• +91 44 22462179 / +91 44 22461883 / +91 73051 22279


Welcome to the General Pathology Department of Sree Balaji Dental College and Hospital, one of the Premier Dental Institutions. Oral and maxillofacial pathology is an exciting area of dentistry that is rapidly expanding due to the high demand for additional academic research in this scientific arena. The program is designed toward students who want to not only be successful human beings, but also to be recognised as leaders in the field of dentistry, as well as play an important role in the socioeconomic system.

We are particularly interested in teaching, diagnosis, research, and community service. Our staff members are enthusiastic and work hard to instil the young generation's interest in the subject. Our department teaches Dental Anatomy, Oral Histology, Oral Pathology, and Microbiology to 180 undergraduate students in the I, II, and III BDS programmes.

The faculty engages in a series of discussions with the students on a variety of subjects, allowing them to communicate and shape their thought process. We have a student mentoring programme in place to ensure that we bring out the best of all of our students.


  • The department of oral pathology and microbiology is a center of excellence in learning and research.
  • It is committed to serve and promote the development of students to reach their true potential in becoming competent, ethical, caring and inquiring citizen and visionary leader.
  • The Department of Oral Pathology is committed to academic freedom and the principles of equal opportunity in the pursuit and application of knowledge, the highest standards of intellectual, education and research productivity and the establishment of learning department and respecting individuals.


  • To further strengthen the department, the centre of excellence for undergraduate and postgraduate programmes.
  • To establish the department a centre for higher education providing training through multidisciplinary programmes.
  • To train knowledge and skillful professionals with high ethical standards who will be dedicated to serve and improve the quality of life of community.
  • To train competent professionals with the use of innovative technologies of knowledge especially in the teaching – learning process.

Road Map of the Department

  • Ø Department of Oral Pathology and Centre for Oral Cancer Prevention, awareness and research ( centre of excellence) in learning and research, supporting a community of scholars and professionals committed to serving society, promoting the development of students to reach their goal, ethical, caring, inquiring citizens and visionary leaders
  • Ø To reach the unreachable
    • Patients with special needs experience barriers to dental care
    • To educate such patients, we have come up with the Braille book – Hellen Kellen series “How to prevent dental diseases”. Care givers as well as patients can be educated with this book about nutrition and preventive oral care so that optimal oral health can be achieved and maintained.
    • We are coming up with such Braille books in the upcoming years.
  • Ø Student exchange program
    • Our research lab conducts a national student exchange program by providing academic education combined with practical and hands on learning to the students, in future we are planning an international student exchange programme with our partner institution.
    • It provides students with an opportunity to study in a different country and environment by experiencing the history and culture of another country
  • Ø Innovative courses
    • The aim of the courses is to provide dentists with professional qualifications that deliver core knowledge, experience and intellectual skills in forensic odontology, oral oncology and oral cytology. These programs will enable graduates to acquire knowledge, understanding and skills in these areas and in research.

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